As a growing oil and gas explorer and producer, we recognise our responsibility to understand and respect the environment, to minimise our impact, and remediate areas affected by past activities.
Our Environmental Policy outlines our approach to operating in an environmentally responsible manner.
The environmental aspects of our operations are governed by strict regulations which are integrated into our operational procedures.
Beach’s Operations Excellence Management System and relevant operations manuals provide the framework within which our environmental responsibilities are managed.
Beach assesses the potential environmental impacts of all activities prior to the commencement of a project and regularly engages with relevant stakeholders, including landholders, native title claimants, iwi, hapū and local government agencies, to ensure these activities are open and transparent during any planning and ongoing operations.
Similar to health and safety incidents, all environmental incidents and near misses are recorded and reported through the Beach incident reporting system. A range of industry specific key performance indicators such as number, type and volume of spills, number and value of regulatory fines, and greenhouse gas emissions numbers are used to measure the effectiveness of our environmental management systems.

Cooper Basin, South Australia

Otway Basin, South Australia
Climate change has been recognised as one of the major global challenges of this century.
The Paris Agreement in 2015 saw the world’s governments come together and commit to a mutual goal of preventing dangerous impacts of climate change by limiting global warming to below 2°C.
As a member of the energy industry, we not only have a significant role to play in managing our carbon emissions, but also have the capability (through our gas portfolio) to accelerate society’s transition to a low carbon future.
Natural gas, inherently, is a low carbon fuel as the CO2 emissions from combustion of natural gas are lower than those from other fossil fuels such as coal.