Beach Energy owns and operates the Halladale Black Watch and Speculant Pipeline (PL006009) and the Otway Raw Gas Pipeline (PL250). These buried high-pressure natural gas pipelines are located onshore in the Otway Basin, supplying gas to Victorian households and businesses.
Australia Standards AS 2885.3 requires Beach to conduct a Pipeline Safety Awareness Campaign with landholders who have Beach assets located on their property. The following materials assist engagement on pipeline safety and awareness, and approval required for landholders who wish to conduct authorised works on or near the pipeline.
Pipeline Information Sheets
For a description and location of Beach’s pipelines in the Otway Basin, download the information sheets below.
Beach Energy Natural Gas Pipeline – A Guide for Landholders
Information for landholders including key Beach and emergency contacts, pipeline safety, lodging a Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) request, landholder works, pipeline easement and pipeline operation and controls can be found by clicking the link below and downloading Beach’s Pipeline Guide for Landholders.
Dial Before You Dig Enquiry
Landholders who wish to conduct works near Beach’s pipelines are required to submit a Dial Before You Dig enquiry. The following notifications define the information required from the landholder and the process they must follow before authorisation may be obtained for works to proceed.
For further information around pipeline safety awareness, click the link below to view the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) Pipeline Safety Awareness video for Emergency Services.