Otway Offshore Project
Otway Basin Victoria
As a producer of natural gas, Beach Energy is contributing towards a lower carbon future as natural gas is widely recognised in playing an important role in emissions reduction globally and in Australia. It is also a vital aspect of energy security.
Natural gas produced by Beach supplies the strong demands of Victorian homes, business and industry.
In the Otway offshore basin Beach is continuing development of natural gas reserves within existing Commonwealth offshore exploration permits and production licenses, approximately 32 to 80 km from Port Campbell, Victoria to ensure ongoing production at the Otway Gas Plant near Port Campbell.
Community engagement
Stakeholder consultation is an important part of preparing Environment Plans for this project as it contributes to our understanding of local issues and concerns, and ensures our planning manages potential impacts.
Throughout its planning for this project, Beach has continued engagement with the commercial fishing sector and other stakeholders, and is keen to hear from any community members who would like further information or have any questions.
Completion of Drilling Campaign
Project activities commenced in 2019 with assessment of seabed locations, followed by a drilling program from February 2021 to July 2022 in which one exploration well and six production wells were drilled.
Two of the new production wells (Geographe 4 & 5) have already been connected to the existing offshore-to-onshore pipeline to the Otway Gas Plant, processing gas for the Australian east coast gas market.
The drilling campaign saw outstanding safety and environmental compliance, positive engagement with the commercial fishing sector and minimal disruption to their activities, and successful management of safety and logistical challenges due to COVID-19.
Connection of Thylacine production wells
The next phase of activities will include installation of additional seabed infrastructure to connect the four new Thylacine production wells to the existing offshore-to-onshore pipeline.
New seabed infrastructure will include:
- Integration module of approximately 14m2 placed on the seabed near the Thylacine A platform, to be installed and connected to the platform by divers for later connection to the Thylacine production wells
- Flowlines and various subsea connection modules to connect the production wells to the existing platform and pipeline
- Electrical and hydraulic controls within cables that enable remote monitoring and control of the production wells.
A specialist construction support vessel will use a submersed remote operated vehicle to install the seabed equipment, connect and commission the production wells.
Previous Otway Offshore information sheets
Otway Offshore update – July 2022
Otway Offshore update – April 2022
Otway Offshore Update – February 2022
Otway Offshore Update – January 2022
Otway Offshore Update – December 2021
Otway Offshore Update – November 2021
Otway Offshore Update – October 2021
Otway Offshore Project Summary
Otway Offshore Project 2020-2023 – Detailed
Drilling locations and timings
Artisan Exploration Drilling EP
To learn more about Beach’s operations in the Victorian Otway Basin, contact our Community Relations team at
Ph: 1800 797 011
For more information on the petroleum industry regulatory processes please visit:
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)
Dept of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Earth Resources)
To register interest in tendering for key goods and services for the Otway Offshore program, visit the following link:
Or contact:
Leanne Brennan
Ph. 0437 925 581